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Hurricane Safety and Preparedness
As a Case Management Agency it is our job to keep you, as our clients, safe and prepared for when a Hurricane impacts your area.
Have An Evacuation Plan
It is important to have a plan to get you and your family to safety in the event that a hurricane is heading your way, especially if you're dependent on medical devices that require electricity.

Emergency Checklist
Not everyone wants to pick up and leave for a storm. So we've compiled a checklist of all of the important thing to have on you whether you choose to stay or leave!
#1: Emergency family contacts
#2: Your support Coordinator's number
#3: Flashlights
#4: Batteries
#5: First Aid kit
#6: Cordless Radio
#7: Cases of fresh water
#8: Nonperishable foods
#9: Medical I.D. card or bracelet
#10: Driver's License or I.D

News: News
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